...Stipri, vandens pagrindu pagaminta klijų dispersija šilumos perdavimui.
✔ Lanksti plėvelė
✔ Hidrofobinė
✔ Maža klampumas
✔ Puiki kaina
✔ Skaidrus padengimas
✔ Stiprus karštas sukibimas
✔ Taikymo temperatūra: 50 - 100°C
✔ Tinka ABS, SAN, PET ir kt.
Mūsų MT-I karšto lydalo dispersijos yra pritaikytos šilumos perdavimo spausdinimui. Su plačiu aktyvavimo temperatūros diapazonu, ji gali būti naudojama...
The term finishing refers to any post-printing operation, that includes binding, fastening of individual sheets together, and specialized decorative processes. Its main purpose is to increase the aesthetic value of the products, by adding additional visual effects, as well as enhance the strength and resistance of the prints.
Finishing gives us many options to decorate printed works. Properly selected finishing techniques will make our products look much more interesting, elegant, attractive and stand out from the competition. Various finishing processes are most frequently applied to business cards, packaging, labels, company folders, greeting cards, vouchers and invitations. Techniques used in our printing house include varnishing, selective varnishing, foiling, embossing or hot-stamping.
40% formaldehyde solution in water, which is a chemical compound highly used in various industries. It appears as a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent, pungent odor. Formaldehyde is widely used in the manufacture of wood products, as an adhesive and preservative, as well as in the production of resins and plastics. It is also used in the textile, paper and personal care products industries, as a preservative. Despite its industrial usefulness, formaldehyde can be irritating to the skin and respiratory tract, so its use is regulated and controlled in many regions to ensure the safety and protection of workers and consumers.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Olio di Nocciola puro spremuto meccanicamente a freddo da nocciole tostate (origine: ITALIA - Piemonte) varietà Tonda Gentile Trilobata. Colore chiaro dalle tonalità ambrate, sapore forte e persistente della nocciola appena tostata in formato da 100 ml, per uso alimentare.
Bottiglia in vetro scuro con tappo antimanomissione/antiriempimento.
Shelf life 18 mesi.
Loción capilar que estimula el crecimiento del cabello, reduce su
caída y redensifica.
Rica en nutrientes que reparan y refuerzan los folículos dañados
para obtener un cabello más grueso, brillante y resistente a la
caída. Además, el oligopeptide-2 y las glicoproteínas estimulan
los factores de crecimiento IGF1 y VEGF, que redensifican la fibra
"Die haben wir täglich im Einsatz!" Men's Health Magazin
✔ EFFEKTIV: Effektiv zur nachhaltigen Kräftigung des gesamten Körpers. Jeder einzelne Muskel lässt sich gezielt ansteuern.
✔ UNIVERSAL-TOOL: Ideal für das Grundlagentraining, Variabel einsetzbar, Trizeps, Bizeps und Co.
✔ HIGHLIGHT: Die hochwertige Polyurethan-Kurzhantel weist eine extrem hohe Reißfestigkeit auf und ist äußerst unempfindlich und widerstandsfähig gegen Schläge, Abrieb, Kratzer oder Abplatzungen.
✔ DESIGN: Top-Design im High-End-Finish gewährt ein jederzeit perfektes Handling. Markenqualität von Men's Health Power.
✔ HOCHWERTIGE VERARBEITUNG: Vollstahlhantel, mechanisch verbunden und zu einem Bauteil verschweißt - nicht lösbar! Hochfeste, reißfeste Polyurethan-Beschichtung, Logo ausgelasert, präzise und griffige Griffrändelung - hartverchromt.
Aides et formations sur l’outil informatique et internet
Aides et formations sur le pack Open Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Aides et formations sur la gestion de votre boîte mail
Formations en dactylographie
Aide et outils pour ranger, trier, classer, archiver vos documents, papiers et dossiers
Inhalt: z.B. 750g
Milchprotein, Molkeprotein, Eiprotein, nat. Aromen, Süßstoff Sucralose
Nach dem Öffnen innerhalb von 3 Monaten aufbrauchen.
Das Produkt geschlossen, trocken, lichtgeschützt und bei Raumtemperatur (15 – 25° C) lagern.
Vous avez fait traduire un document en interne par l'un de vos collaborateurs bilingue mais non natif dans la langue concernée ?
Nos traducteurs professionnels peuvent relire ces documents pour en améliorer la syntaxe, les tournures de phrase et corriger les éventuelles erreurs.
Vous disposez ainsi de documents de meilleure qualité, pour un coût moins élevé qu'une traduction intégrale.
Professional English-Albanian Translation Services – offering accurate, culturally adapted translations to meet your business, legal, and personal needs. We bridge language gaps with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that your message resonates perfectly with both English and Albanian audiences.
Cooperation with the designer
The characteristics of Bossong anchorages are defined on the base of the specific parameters of each single project, as well as the dimensions of the hole they must be embedded in, that depend on the type of material constituting the substrate.
The change of information relating to the knowledge of the building’s state of preservation and of the aims of the provided interventions, drawings and pictures, the pattern of cracks and deformations, as well as the design of interventions, are very important to define the type of anchor that better fits the application and also to evaluate the intervention from the economic point of view.
Tests in place
The need to give to design engineers the possibility of an assessment of the behaviour of injected anchors in a particular application and in a specific setting has lead Bossong to equip its technician with a mobile instrumentation that allows the execution of onsite tests.
Chez Giulia nous voyons les choses différemment : nous achetons, nous stockons et nous préparons les commandes pour vous sur demande. Avec Giulia dans vos magasins, vous n’avez plus à vous souciez de la couleur tendance, du stock ou des soldes. Manexco s’occupe de tout
Wir bieten Biotin für Ihren pharmazeutischen Bedarf in CEP Qualität mit kompletter Dokumentation an.
Sprechen Sie uns gerne an für alle weiteren Informationen!
Arcobaleno BioTomatenmark, 2fach konzentriert, 71 ml
Der Anbieter stellt keine detailierte Produktbeschreibung zur Verfügung.
GRÖSSE:71 ml
REZEPTUR:2-fach konzentriert